
Showing posts from April, 2021

How to Proceed Further with the Failed IVF?

It doesn’t matter whether it’s your first IVF failure or second, every failed fertility treatment leads to disappointment. When you’re trying hard to conceive, you are putting your efforts, time, money and hopes in the process which is the most valid reason to get frustrated when IVF treatment doesn’t go your side. After the failed IVF cycle you are left with several options to go further now which is either you can repeat the IVF cycle again or can repeat the treatment but with different fertility options or can decide not to pursue further. Before moving further after previous failed attempt in the IVF treatment you must also know the reasons that why in actual IVF fails. Several reasons of IVF failure are: • Embryo Failure Even though Embryo that looks good in lab can fail after placed inside the uterus due to low quality. It’s not that your uterus is infected, many a time embryo can also be defected which doesn’t let you carry a baby. • Age of Eggs Our IVF clinics in up have seen ...